A Brighter Dental Experience

Oral Implantology
and  Maxilofacial Service

Call The Office

55 3858 6490


Cuernavaca Clinic

Gustavo Gómez Azcárate # 200
1er. Piso Lomas de la Selva c.p. 62270
Cuernavaca, Morelos.



Office Location

Rodríguez Saro 523- 302-B
Colonia del Valle
03050, México, CDMX

The Digital Dental
Surgery  Unit

Digital 3D Software to Diagnostic and treatment plan
( recuperation with biological and holistic, natural and integral medicine)

Latest Techniques

In Mexico and our clinic, the latest advances are being incorporated 

Innovative Technology

Day by day the design systems of dental prostheses or dentures are faster and more precise for patients who have lost one or more teeth. 

Our Clinics

In our clinics Mexico City, Morelia,Michoacán and Cuernavaca City, To make your diagnosis and treatment plan we have digital 3D software in third dimension.
We count with radiological
and x-Ray equipment.

Our Services

ATM Disorders

Oral Implantology

Oral Surgery

Preprotesic Surgery

Orthognathic Surgery

Digital Medical
Surgery Unit.
(clinic cases, examples)

Fractured wisdom teeth

Retained canines, remain of pieces, accidents, etc.

Dental lingual frenulum and cleft lip

Congenital or acquired malformations, what should be attended to.

Bucal Surgery.

Salivary glands, intraoral lesions,upper lip, mucosa, torus and various orthognathic cases .

The Doctor

Our dentist DDS, Is an Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon. Complementary activity an conferency and  docent labor

DDS. Jorge Luiz Parra García

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

The Digital Medical
Surgery Unit

in our unit medical we provide dental surgery to children and adults.


Sleep Disorers


Anti-Snoring Clinic


Dental Implant Care

Come to Mexico and have Dental Tourism.

Doctor Parra’s clinics are located in Mexico City, Morelia, Michoacán and Cuernavaca, Morelos,Mexico.
Being a great opportunity to visit the city, have “dental tourism” and take advantage of a dental impant treatment.

 (Know “The Tourism National Cluster”)

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the three types of dental implants?

Types of dental implants
  • Immediate loading implants. …
  • Implantes all on four y all on six. …
  • removable implants. …
  • juxtaosseous implants, subperiosteal, fibrointegrated or subcrestal, ISP system. …
  • Endosseous or intraosseous implants. …
  • Zygomatic implants. …
  • Angled implants

What is better a bridge or a dental implant?

Bridges have a more complex management, a much less natural effect and a shorter duration. Dental implants, on the other hand, offer security. The bone and gum are not lost and the quality and use of the teeth is greatly improved. In short, a bridge is still a temporary solution.

What is the best type of dental implant?

Straumann dental implants are high-end implants designed to repair bone situations with medium or low intensity. In fact, this brand is currently the market leader in dental implants.

How much does a dental implant cost?

The necessary go has to receive a study for each case and receive an exact price. As well as a plan for each treatment.
Approximately the cost varies between $ 400.00 to $ 1,000.00 US.

¿What does maxillofacial surgery do?

Maxilloffacial surgery id the medical surgical specialty that focuses on the study, diagnosis, tratment, and rehabilitation of congenital or acquired diseases of the oral cavity, facial skeleton, and related cervical structures.

How risky is Maxillofacial surgery?

Maxillofacial surgery is generally safe when performed by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, often in collaboration with an Orthodontist. The risks of surgery may include the following: blood loss. Infection>

How much does an implant cost per tooth?

The prices of a dental implant vary according to the treatment that each patient needs, but on average the price of a dental implant in Mexico ranges from $9,000 to $20,000 pesos and only a specialist is prepared to perform this treatment.

How long does it take to make a dental implant?

Image result for cdmx dental implants
A period of nine months for the bone inserted over the maxillary socket to integrate with the natural bone structure and heal properly; to which you must add three more months, to place the implant and for it to be fixed to the bone structure

Why should you hire a dental treatment service in Mexico City?

México City has very beautiful typical and historical places, Morelia, Michoacán, Cuernavaca, Morelos and Mexico City. You go sightseeing and receive a dental implant treatment at a very reasonable cost.

How long does it take for the gum to heal after an implant?

The complete healing process takes several months, and can take between 2 and 6 months. Although the period will depend on each patient, the procedure applied and the specialist who performs it. During these months the dental osseointegration of the implant occurs

Dr. Parra’s Insurance
and medical network 


The Golden

Dental Implants
Great results 

Call: 55 3858 6490

Av. Rodrígez Saro 523 – interior 302-B
Colonia del Valle -casi esquina con Av. Coyoacán
03100, México, CDMX

Working Hours

Monday-Saturday 10am-8pm.
Previus appointment

Free Consultation

At any moment
Please only call us

Call Us

55 3858 6490

Email Us



Mon-Fri: 10am-8pm
Sat & Sun: 10am-4pm


Zarco #10
Colonia Centro, Cuernavaca, Morelos


Rodríguez Saro #523 interior 302-B
Colonia del Valle, cp 03100 CDMX

Walk In

We study your situation
in the best solution

Urgent Care

We have the necessary services


We plan your solution

Our Services

Doctor atends to advanced surgery cases. 


Oral Surgery

-Retained Dental Organs.
-Mucosa: Ranula
-Braces: Lingual
-Intraoral Lesions: White
-Salivary Glands: Parotid


Oral Surgery

-Upper Lip
-Gingival Resection
-Retrograde Filling

Pre Prosthetic Surgery

-Clinical Crown Lengthening
-Regularization of the alveolar process
-Vestibule deepening
-Elevation of the floor of the maxilary sinus
-Right Tuberosity Hipertrophy
-Guided Regeneration bone graft

Oral Surgery

-Torus: Palatine
-Gingiva: Papilary Hyperplasia
-Periapical Surgery: Curettage
-Root Hemisection
-Bone Radiolucency

Oral Surgery


Orthognathic Surgery

-Cieft Palate
-Orthodontic fenestration and traction

Expert Doctor.
Professional Care.

We have the  necessary  facilities to deal
with any case.
Contact us to know about your situation.

Jorge Luiz Parra García

Contact us

Call Us

+52 55 3858 6490

Email Us


Our Location

Sucursal Cuernavaca:
Zarco 10 Colonia Centro
Cuernavaca, Morelos.

Sucursal Michoacán:
Blvd. García de León # 1521
interior 104
Colonia Chapultepec Oriente, Morelia, Mich.
Tel: 443 298 7922

Sucursal Oriente Ciudad de México:
Centro Academico Integral
Fuente de Diana #2
Colonia Metropolitana 2a.Sección
Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl, Edo. de México.
Tel. 55 7009 1532

Get in touch

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