
Oral Implantology

Vulputate aliquam sed donec tristique ultrices sagittis interdum eu nam. Porttitor orci dui nunc et praesent vestibulum massa sem dictum. Eget laoreet libero id luctus aliquam vel tristique sit. Neque aliquet diam bibendum gravida pharetra.

What is included

Suport permanent post-operation

Oral Implant

Dental implant surgery is a procedure that replaces tooth roots with metal, screwlike posts and replaces damaged or missing teeth with


What is worse tooth extraction or implant?
Patients can be informed that, in general, implant placement surgical experience is less unpleasant compared to tooth extraction with less postsurgical pain and limitation of daily activities. However, some factors can increase the pain intensity and discomfort level on individual bases
Is it better to save a tooth or get an implant?
If the problem tooth has already been treated with a root canal, then there is every reason to get a dental implant instead. If the root canal failed the first time, further attempts to save the tooth are likely to fail again


Oral Implants

The best option

Cuernavaca and

Cuernavaca Clinic:
Zarco 10 Colonia Centro
Cuernavaca, Morelos.

Michoacán Clinic:
Blvd. García de León # 1521
interior 104
Colonia Chapultepec Oriente, Morelia, Mich.
Tel: 443 298 7922

Mexico City

East Mexico City Clinic:
Integral Academic Center
Fuente de Diana #2
Colonia Metropolitana 2a.Sección
Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl, Edo. de México.
Tel. 55 7009 1532

Mexico City Clinic
Rodriguez Saro 523-interior 302-B
Colonia del Valle, Delegación
Benito Juárez, CDMX
Mexico City
Tel: 55 3858 6490

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